This page is the online version of the tableau [25], a joint work with András Sebő, that appeared in the book Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization [2]. It is an attempt to capture some of the most important variants of the disjoint paths problems, as well as pointing out some open problems. We only considered the decision versions of the problems. We believe that an optimization version of the tableau, including approximability, would also be necessary.
Despite all our care in making this tableau, it is still possible that we missed some known results. If you find any error or omission, or have any constructive remark, it would be most helpful to send me an email.
The main definitions concerning disjoint paths problems, and the notations can be found on this page.
The tableau is divided into three parts:
Each part is then further divided between the undirected, directed and directed acyclic cases, and depending on the nature of
directed | directed acyclic | undirected | ||||||||
| ||||||||||
| | |||||||||
arb. | bin | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC |
un | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | ||||
fix | bin | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | P | NPC | NPC | P |
un | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | ||||
fix | NPC | ??? | P | P | P | P | ||||
2 | bin | NPC | P | NPC | NPC | P | P | NPC | P | P |
un | NPC | P | NPC | P | NPC | P | ||||
fix | NPC | P | P | P | NPC | P | ||||
2 | NPC | P | P | P | P | P |
A remarkable fact is that here only one cell is open, namely the arc-disjoint paths problem for Eulerian instances with a fixed total request and
The main theorems, in an arbitrary order:
Theorem 1: (Even , Itai, Shamir [4]) The edge-disjoint paths problem in undirected graphs and the arc-disjoint paths problem in directed acyclic graphs is NP-complete,, even if
Theorem 2: (Fortune , Hopcroft, Wyllie [5]) The vertex-disjoint paths problem is NP-complete, even if
Theorem 3: (Vygen [43]) The integer multicommodity flow problem is NP-complete even if
Theorem 4: (Frank [7]) The integer multicommodity flow problem in Eulerian digraphs with
Theorem 5: (Fortune , Hopcroft, Wyllie [5]) The arc-disjoint paths problem in directed acyclic graph with
Theorem 6: (Lomonosov [15]) The undirected integer multicommodity flow problem is solvable in polynomial-time in Eulerian instances when
A weaker version of the previous theorem was proved by Rothschild and Whinston [30] for the case when
Theorem 7: (Robertson , Seymour [29]) The vertex-disjoint paths problem in undirected graphs with
Theorem 8: (Ibaraki , Poljak [12]) The arc-disjoint paths problem in Eulerian instances with
The following powerful lemma from Vygen allows to extend some results from DAG to undirected graphs when the Eulerian condition is assumed. It is used several times in the tableau.
Lemma 9: (Vygen [43]) Let
directed | directed acyclic | undirected | ||||||||
| ||||||||||
| | |||||||||
arb. | bin | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC |
un | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | NPC | ||||
fix | bin | NPC | ??? | P | NPC | ??? | P | NPC | ??? | P |
un | NPC | ??? | NPC | P | NPC | ??? | ||||
fix | ??? | ??? | P | P | P | P | ||||
2 | bin | NPC | P | P | NPC | P | P | NPC | P | P |
un | NPC | P | NPC | P | NPC | P | ||||
fix | ??? | P | P | P | P | P | ||||
2 | ??? | P | P | P | P | P |
Theorem 10: (Marx [19]) The arc-disjoint paths problem is NP-complete on Eulerian instances even if
Dirk Müller [21] proved in 2006 the weaker case when
Theorem 12: (Schrijver [35]) The vertex-disjoint paths problem in planar digraphs with
directed | directed acyclic | undirected | ||||||||
| ||||||||||
| | |||||||||
arb. | bin | NPC | ??? | NPC | P | P | NPC | NPC | P | NPC |
un | NPC | ??? | P | P | NPC | P | ||||
fix | bin | NPC | ??? | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
un | NPC | ??? | P | P | P | P | ||||
fix | ??? | ??? | P | P | P | P | ||||
2 | bin | NPC | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P |
un | NPC | P | P | P | P | P | ||||
fix | ??? | P | P | P | P | P | ||||
2 | ??? | P | P | P | P | P |
Theorem 14: (Middendorf , Pfeiffer [20]) The edge-disjoint paths problem is NP-complete even if
From the previous theorem, we derived a directed version:
Theorem 15: (Naves , Sebő [25]) The vertex-disjoint paths problem in acyclic digraphs with
Theorem 16: (Lucchesi , Younger [17]) The integer multicommodity flow problem is in P when restricted to instances where
Theorem 17: (Seymour [41]) The integer multicommodity flow problem is in P when restricted to Eulerian instances where
Theorem 18: (Sebő [39]) The integer multicommodity flow problem is in P when
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